Solidarity Always
Rumbi Bvunzawabaya Rumbi Bvunzawabaya

Solidarity Always

For over 20 years, I’ve worked as a Solicitor specializing in Immigration Law. In all that time, not once did I feel threatened because of my work—until now.

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Healing from emotional abuse
Rumbi Bvunzawabaya Rumbi Bvunzawabaya

Healing from emotional abuse

Healing from emotional abuse is a challenging process, and seeking guidance from the Bible can provide comfort and support along the way. Here are some biblical principles that may..

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Healing is on the Other Side
Rumbi Bvunzawabaya Rumbi Bvunzawabaya

Healing is on the Other Side

When we feel pain in this life, we do all we can to prevent it from happening again. In a vain attempt to protect ourselves from further hurt or avoid being seen as complex and emotional beings when …

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Fear, Security and Illusions
Rumbi Bvunzawabaya Rumbi Bvunzawabaya

Fear, Security and Illusions

As women, we want to do it all. Be excellent wives, mothers, daughters and excel in our careers. These aspirations often come with the lingering fear of not wanting to …

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A Father to Us All
Rumbi Bvunzawabaya Rumbi Bvunzawabaya

A Father to Us All

The creativity of God our Father is mind blowing. He is the God who has created this beautiful earth we live on. With mountains, deserts, oceans and plains …

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